Sunday, 31 March 2013

Game of Thrones Special

Welcome back to the Randomizer!
And to an article about the great epic fantasy series: Game of Thrones!

Now I must be honest: I didn't get into Game of Thrones straight away when the first series came out in 2011. I was "forced" into it by my friend Alice Beadle. Because that's what friends do! They tie you down to a chair and make you watch their favourite series. Obviously. (Many apologies Alice, I love you to bits lol). And also I did manage to spoil the series for myself when I learned what happened to one of the major characters near the end. Oops.

But before the second series was released, I managed to catch up with the first on Sky Atlantic. And my god I was hooked. I came to love the series and enjoy the characters as everyone practically went to war with each other and themselves. Annoyingly, I missed the first two and a couple in between so I brought the DVD boxset and managed to enjoy the series all over again (though the commentaries are a plus). Then watching the second series, things got kicked up a notch with some shocking deaths, betrayals and obviously DRAGONS.

I have probably effectively become a Game of Thrones nerd (especially with considering a fancy dress party) and will stay that way for some considerable time. And this will be my own tribute for the return of one of the best series in the world.

This particular blog will show off my opinions about the series so far, who are my favourite characters, what tidbits I find interesting about the world, and where I think the series will go next season with regards to certain characters. I will point out some interesting facts that could factor in the revelations of what could happen, and what could happen to our beloved characters and DRAGONS.
So here on the day that Season 3 is released, is my tribute for Game of Thrones.
What is the show about?

Game of Thrones is set in a fictional world divided by two continents: Westeros and Essos.

Westeros is the main setting for the series and focuses so far on 5 seperate families: The Starks, The Lannisters, The Baratheons, The Greyjoys and the Night's Watch. Currently four of these households are at war with each other, as one member of a family was held prisoner by the king and eventually killed off. This incurs wrath and the member's house want their revenge. Meanwhile, The Night's Watch are protectors of the land as they live up at the mystical Wall and keep a look out for wildlings and something far worse that has recently revealed hints of returning after thousands of years. Chavs?

Essos on the other hand, features the last member of the Targaryen household, Daenerys, on a journey to reclaim her dynastic crown by going the long-way round and cleverly not going into any mines. Obviously she's read the Lord of the Rings, she's not taking any risks. She becomes a forced part of a Dothraki group, but then grows a pair and eventually becomes that same groups Queen and leads them around the continent to different locations in hopes of finding something that help her lead an invasion force once more against the houses of Westeroes. Maybe that something is Goths?

The Show so far...:

I have enjoyed the series , and it's interesting to see how the characters have found themselves in their different situations as time goes on into the War of Five Kings (between a psychopath, a scientologist, a pirate, a wolf and a pretty boy) in season 2. The stories interwoven with each other make for good pacing and allow different surprises to be taken at slow and steady, as we see the characters go through suffering, love, politics, and face essentially death near every corner.

The different twists in the series as well help make for shocking results as some characters are completely bumped off and the effect this has on the series really shows that this world is kind of like ours, dangerous and unforgiving. This is all down to the characters and their individual choices that sometimes all but finish them off. The choices that they each make have a profound effect on the future and shows how completely stupid or clever they can be. I must admit, this notion of characters has inspired me when I'm writing my novel, about how their choices can have drastic consequences for all concerned.
Favourite and Hated Characters:

Sometimes it can be easier to talk about characters you don't like due to their actions and what they do.
For my most hated character, it is near indefinitely Cersei Lannister.

I know Joffrey is everyone's most hated character in the whole series because he is pretty much Hitler re-incarnated. But for me personally, Cersei is the most demented woman to exist in history. I will go into a bit more detail about her later when I come to interesting tidbits, but there are still some things to talk about.
She is a vengeful person, as shown in the second episode with Arya's direwolf Nymeria taking a nibble out of Joffrey's arm. But with Nymeria gone, she turns her sights onto Sansa's direwolf Lady who is as innocent as a little baby and gets her way in comdemning it to death just because it's another direwolf. She also blatantly lies to protect Joffrey and tries to blame Arya for causing the fight between her and him in the first place, wanting her punished. Yeah, you love your little Joffers, but you're not the greatest parent in the world if you don't intend to discipline him.

There are some steps that I do find understandable though, yet quite disturbing at the same time. In the penultimate episode of season 2, Cersei decides the best solution to help in matters of warfare is drinking. As she drinks, she slowly reveals why Ser Ilyn Payne is in the room in the first place: not to defend the women in the room, but to kill them, thinking that they'll all be raped by the opposing army. This makes some sense I guess, but also reveals something about her personality. She is willing to kill these women off, but why? To protect them from the reprisals? I wonder if it shows that to her, death is preferable then suffering at the hands of another.

Another situation that could prove that is that when in the throne room, she has her youngest son Tommen with her. She was given Essence of Nightshade earlier in the episode, which is deadly when take in a big substance. She places the liquid into his hands, promising to keep him safe after telling him a story about how stags, wolves and all other manner of animals will bow down to the lion club. They are saved only when the Lannister Army enters with Tywin declaring victory. This shows that she is willing to go as far to keeping her own son safe from reprisals.

Sheesh, I'm developing a kind of respect for her. That's not good for someone I don't like very much! In a way I understand why she does these things, because she can foresee what will happen against a man and a army who have a claim to the throne and what will happen to her family and the women under her protection. Planning people's deaths (especially your own children) around when you and others are in danger either is a huge step in courage or mindlessness. I suppose it's a question to ask yourself. What would you do in times of when your trapped? Would you actually kill your children in times of desperation?

I think for the most part, the hatred for this character came from Lena Heady's performance of the character. So far to me, she had done a good job of making a character so brilliantly bad, subtle, and showing a lick of mischief. If the actor/actress can make you feel angry, they're doing their job well! But oddly, I'm slowly coming around to her in a weird way. I'm not entirely sure please!

Now for my favourite character. No, it's not Tyrion Lannister. I'm armed with a crossbow to protect myself any haters. Just try coming around to my house if you dare!

At the minute, it is in fact Tyrion's associate, Bronn, played by Jeremy Flynn.

I find Bronn interesting at times because he is a mercenary, in it for the money. What describes him perfectly is Tyrion's question towards him after Janos Slynt is sent to the wall, asking if he would kill an infant without question. Bronn's simple reply is: "Without question? No. ...I'd ask how much?". This is a man whose only concern is how much he will paid for carrying out an act of pure murder against an innocent child. Though I wonder if it's a better standard than carrying out an order without questioning it.

He seems to have built his entire life around the prospect of money and is willing to do any sort of degree of murder to do it. But I wouldn't go as far to say he is completely amoral. Maybe the phrase 'twisted ethics' would be a better description. And also in that same line, he says he wouldn't kill a baby just because he was given an order to do it.

And as a sellsword mercenary, he is very good at his job. His fighting prowess is brilliant and he is also quite clever, not using armour and pushing different objects against Ser Vardis Egen in Tyrion's trial by combat. Wearing him out, Bronn catches him in different places and eventually finishes him off. When stated with the point that he doesn't fight with honour, he simply says, "No....he did". He doesn't give two shits about honour. But he could go for being a comedian maybe. He's already a singer as well, so he can multitask.

He also has some street smarts as well apparently due to his understanding of how the people of King's Landing see Tyrion as the one pulling Joffrey's strings. He also believes that in a castle siege, food is the most important commodity from experience, instead of reading books to plan defensive measures. His solution is to kill the thieves who take all the food because they'll be the richest men in town when the siege is complete. I think in that kind of circumstances, I'd be willing to trust Bronn's word seeing as he seems to know what he's talking about. Even Varys seems to agree that 'extreme measures are warranted', though reluctantly by the sound of his voice.

If there's any man I'd have in a fight by my side, it would be Bronn. Provided I have enough cash in my bank to pay his services.  He has a certain air and charm to him that initially makes him approachable but you should beware. He is not a man to cross should you not pay him.
Interesting Tidbits:

One of the things I found interesting is this: You ever notice how the family's motto can sometimes reflect traitsthe characters traits of that family?

A couple examples I will pose are the Tullys and Lannisters.

The House Tully motto is 'Family, Duty, Honor'. The first Tully we're introduced to is Catelyn Stark (nee Tully), wife of Eddard Stark. In the first ever episode, we see her being in the mother role, but nothing is developed on until the next episode when her son Bran is in a coma. She stays by his bedside near throughout, keeping an eye on him and not being around to help with arrangements for the household. Though it does come handy that she is around, since an assassin comes to kill Bran and Catelyn fights him off with her bare hands. Pretty badass, but ultimately fails. Bran is saved not from his mother in the end, but his direwolf Summer instead.

(GOT Dictionary = Direwolf: like a wolf but with steroids)

Soon after the assassination attempt, Catelyn goes in detective mode and discovers a blonde hair in the tower where he fell. She goes to the capital of Westeros, King's Landing, and discovers from her old friend and brothel master Petyr Baelish that Tyrion Lannister (youngest and the awesome member of the Lannister children) was behind the attempt. Meeting the very man at the crossroads Inn, she takes him around to her sister's for tea and biscuits. Or to be tried for attempted murder against her son, whichever's easier.


In the second season, she wants to get her two girls, Sansa and Arya, back into her arms whom had originally gone to King's Landing only for Sansa to be kept under Lannister control and Arya to escape. And eventually after hearing of the "deaths" of her boys at the hands of Lily Allen's brother, she follows her desires and frees Jaime Lannister to make an exchange. This incurs the wrath of her son, Robb and she remains under arrest at the end.


So you see, Catelyn cares deeply for her family and would go to any lengths to protect and save them from danger. It is understandable to see what she's going through. She wants the family unit all back together. But this has repercussions for later things to occur and makes Catelyn bold in her ventures.

Another thing that should be noted is her relationship with Jon Snow the bastard of the family. Since he wasn't born from her and told that he is Eddard's own blood, she sees him as a ill wind and holds him in very low regard. In fact, she is more cruel to him in the books then in the TV series, (she wished it was him rather than Bran that fell from the tower) but you can still see the hatred she has for him in her eyes, simply demanding he leaves after he says his goodbyes to Bran when he leaves for the Wall. Jon is not considered part of her family world, more a viper among birds. He is always a reminder in a way of Eddard's infidelity and she would be more happy to not have anything to do with him.

In comparison, Catelyn's sister Lysa Arryn definitely lives up to that motto as much as Catelyn does, even though she's only in a few episodes. When we're introduced to her in the TV series, her young son is still sucking her breast for milk. I think that can happen in real life, wasn't there a Channel 4 Doc about that? Anyway, she is concerned with killing Tyrion Lannister quick and easily without much fuss, which doesn't work after allowing him to trial by combat and loses. Sad face. Later when Catelyn gets pissed off about a letter from King's Landing, Lysa reveals that family means everything to her. Except it's only her family she cares about and not her sisters, doting on her son.

So in a way, the 'Family, Duty, Honor' motto can be smashed against a brick wall and left broken in tiny little pieces. Lysa doesn't come to the aid of her sister because she is one egg short of an English Breakfast, and Catelyn does not harbour any sort of love for Jon. In Catelyn's case it makes sense, because for one reason or another, Eddard could not hold it in. Lysa however has seemingly become unstable after the death of Jon Arryn and stays in her stronghold, The Eyrie for isolation.

Another example I will use is the Lannisters and their motto 'Hear Me Roar', as well as their unofficial and more used 'A Lannister always pays their debts'.

First is the patriarch of the family, Tywin Lannister. In his first appearance on screen, he is a prideful man wanting his name to command fear and respect and believes that his children need to be as strong as him. Though he hardly has much love for Tyrion, he still is a Lannister. When he is captured, Tywin does what any military dictator would do and sends his men to burn Catelyn Stark's homeland and to remind her that Lannisters pay their debts. Tywin seems to set great pride in the name 'Hear Me Roar' as he wants the name of his house to live forever in the minds of all the houses of Westeros. He is also ruthless and had been Hand of the King before under the last Targaryen King, but at the end of Robert's Rebellion betrayed him and sacked King's Landing. In a way, The Lannister name was stained with blood and would not easily be washed away. The name may command respect, but in the wrong way.

(GOT Dictionary = Robert's Rebellion: A rebellion by Robert :P)

The second is the Queen, Cersei Lannister. I have talked a bit about Cersei's personality already as the character I most hate in the series, but it won't hurt to go into a little more detail. She is married is Robert Baratheon and has lived in the political world for a long time. She is quite quick in her movements as she moves to bring people into power and also to destroy others as quickly. She also puts herself in position on the King's Small council and tries to govern the realm to her own abilities. But she also can have a merciful side as well, for she wants to let Eddard live and keep her dark secret away by taking the black (joining the Night's Watch).

However there a few points that can easily knock her off her pearch:

1.      When Tyrion is declared Hand of the King in Tywin's stead, Cersei is livid and has her mistakes pointed out, that she failed to stop Joffrey from doing what he did, for failing to keep all the Stark children. All of that is true. It shows to an extent that Cersei is not as brilliantly minded as everyone sees her to be.

2.       Her love for her children might be a redeeming feature, but it doesn't help matters in this world of intrigue. In season 2, she berates Tyrion for shipping off her daughter Marcella to the region of Dorne and wishes to destroy him and everything he loves for taking her away from King's Landing. But this is a time when threats against the thrones are increasing and Tyrion is only shipping Marcella to safety, from those who are not involved in the war. In trying to protect, Cersei is ironically putting them at risk.

3.      We see her teaching her son Joffrey ways to be king and that 'Everyone who isn't us is an enemy'. Their facebook profiles must be quite low on friends, or maybe quite a few friend requests that they never respond to.... Unfortunately, her teaching backfires majestically and Joffrey decides to act at being Hitler 3.0 (random point here, Joffrey has blonde hair and blue eyes. O_O). Their relationship becomes further strained at the best of times, Joffrey taking the mick out of her for Robert's none interest and Cersei calling her son from battle back into the castle.

So it seems that Cersei is a failure as a political minded person and possibly just as much as a mother, using personal threats as a means to better herself and get ahead of the game. . She thinks she knows what she's doing, but really....she doesn't.  She wants to be THE lion and can roar in the direction she chooses to go in, but mostly it is in the wrong direction. If I may put up a comparison with a historical figure, she aspires to be someone like Elizabeth I (one of the most politically minded women in the world) and ends up being like Mary Queen of Scots, cocking up at nearly every moment of her life. Though Mary was probably worse, Cersei obviously isn't a barrel of laughs. I wonder what will happen to her in future seasons...

There are not many houses that have this reflective idealogy, but there might be some symbolism hiding in the Starks and their family motto, 'Winter is Coming'. (still here for the minute and hasn't left yet...).
As we all know winter is the time where all the leaves have fallen off the trees, where snow covers the land, animals hide away from the world with their stockpiles of food and its Christmas! There are references that regard winter as the time of death, that a lifecycle is near complete. And maybe, just maybe, that time has come for the Starks.

Most of us know what happened in Season 1 with regards to the certain family member that always regenerates in different fictional universes. Would that count as a Universe Lord? Like being more powerful than a Time Lord? I digress. Anyway, the Starks seek revenge and manage to defeat their enemies a number of times in the field of battle. However, the Stark children have all gone their own ways, finding their own path into the world. Robb is leading his father's bannermen in his absence, Sansa is still in King's Landing trapped by the Lannisters, Arya is part of the men bound for the Night's Watch, and Bran is trying to find the source of his dreams, albeit unknown to his family since they believe otherwise what has happened to him.
This could be a stretch, but maybe the motto means that we go through a period of suffering, that we must be able to get through the dark times and to prepare for such times that come with dark times. Maybe we could've used that for the recession? Imagine then that the Stark children as animals foraging food to survive the winter climate. They need to get through a period where there's no food growing in the ground and prepare adequately for such times.

With the destruction of Winterfell in the finale of season 2, The Starks are in deep trouble. And Robb's marrying of a female OTHER than whom he promised to House Frey might complicate matters. I will come back to this point later on. If you think about it, the journey of the Stark children starts at the beginning with Bran's falling out of the tower. And it only becomes worse as time goes on. Will they all survive the harsh times present and future? It's hard to say.

Final question: where will the series go in season 3?

I have heard that the series will apparently go on for another five more seasons, making it at least until 2018 until the entire series is complete. Whether the actual book series will be complete by that time depends on George R.R. Martin himself and his speed at writing. It's hard not to say what will happen because I've read the books, but things can change around and such.

Daenerys will continue in her journey to be Queen of Westeros using the jewels and trinkets she collected from Xaro Xhoan Daxos's house and might buy a boat, judging from the trailers. I will only add to this in suggesting that she will be joined by two other people, one of which I think will become very important as the series progresses.

Jon Snow is about to meet the King-Beyond-The-Wall, Mance Rayder and may have to convince them he is one of them now. And what is Rayder's plan when he says he will light the biggest fire the world has ever seen?  Considering there are shots of an unnamed wilding trying to climb the Wall, it may undoubtedly involve the Night's Watch.

Tyrion looks to be remaining in King's Landing for the time being, but in a position of lesser power since his father Tywin has officially accepted the post of Hand of the King. He also seems to suggest that the whole of Westeros will be united in fear of Tywin. I wonder what this could mean, but I suppose it could refer back to Tywin's past terms as Hand in some manner.

Those are just a few examples as to what could happen in the series. But I reckon the biggest game-changer will be in the penultimate Season 3 episode called "The Rains of Castamere". The title is also the name of a particular type of song, known as the 'Lannister song'. Named as such because it tells the story of Tywin Lannister virtually wiping out the entire House Reyne of Castamere after their rebellion, restoring the Lannister name to 'honour'. Since that time, the song has been used as a reminder to what the Lannisters can do.

Season 3 will be based on the first half of 'A Storm of Swords', but there have been moments when a little bit from the start of the book was adapted towards the end of Season 2, such as certain elements involving Jamie Lannister. And the actual third book has been split into two parts. So it's entirely possible that some elements will be brought over from that part. And there are two significant chapters in that part that will definitely play a role in the future of the TV series. I am not spoiling anything that will compromise the series, but I will say this:

Blood will flow.

Thanks for reading this week! I apologise for this article being a bit smaller this week, but unfortunately I was overcome by an illness which for the past two days had wore me down and I don't think I could've done much writing in my condition. I will try and make it up for the next article in a fortnight.
Til next time, this is the Randomizer!

Sunday, 17 March 2013

The 27 Club Guestlist of Heaven

Welcome back to the Randomizer!

To my slight embarrassment, I was preparing an article all nice and lovely. Unfortunately, I clicked the save button on too many documents as my laptop is starting to become as slow as possible, and I lost it. So I apologise for such a silly act to do without backing up my files more adequately. I will attempt to complete this article in a month's time after this one and my next article in a fortnight's time.

Now back to business. I haven't done music yet. I apologise again for choosing something a little depressing. Who has heard of the 27 club?

The club is exclusive to those musicians who have died at the young age of twenty-seven. So it's like a club in heaven with a very difficult guest-list. On that guest list are such musicians as:

1. My lord Jimi Hendrix (I call him that because he is a guitaring god)
2. Amy Winehouse 
3.Kurt Cobain 
4.Janis Joplin 
5.Brian Jones (part of the original line-up for Rolling Stones) 
6.Jim Morrison of the Doors
And finally, the man who met the devil at the crossroads, Robert Johnson

So in this article I will talk about how the 27 club was formed and a little bit about some of these lesser known musicians. And hope the 27 club doesn't creep up on me anytime soon.

The 27 club was first popularised after Kurt Cobain's suicide in 1994, as people made age connections with fellow musicians who had also died at the same age. Though I think its pure coincidence in ways, there have been a number of theories discussing whether there is an actual curse.

According to some people, the curse began with Robert Johnson, a legendary blues musician and his meeting with the Devil at the legendary Crossroads and selling his soul for the price of being freaking awesome on a guitar. I'm guessing the word 'practice' wasn't invented yet. Maybe many people sold their soul to the lord of darkness. George W. Bush for one probs. Back to Johnson, his talent apparently bolted out of nowhere and he recorded 29 songs until his death in 1938 due to possible strychnine poisoning by the husband of a wife Johnson was flirting with. He apparently had been told by a friend not to drink from a whiskey bottle that he had not personally seen opened. Should've listened to him. There is substantial debate as to where his body actually lays.

The problem with that theory is that it was probably augmented into the 27 club superstition and really just its one mythical story in its own right, with Robert Johnson more remembered as a mythical man rather than the famous blues character, becoming well-known in the early 60s and influencing rock god Eric Clapton.

(Side note: You know what's tempting? There should like a Hierarchy of Rock Gods. Like the Greek Gods and such. They'd all be living in a huge mansion flat with a shitload of drink and drugs, strumming guitars and sex on the side, you know? Best paradise ever!)

According to Wikipedia, the first member of the 27 club was a Brazilian pianist called Alexandre Levy who died in the late 19th century. But obviously the 27 club wasn't foresight, unless Levy decided on his deathbed to create a club in heaven with said exclusive guest-list, just so he wouldn't be lonely. Also for some reason the list on Wiki includes actor Jonathan Brandis, where all the others are musicians. Why he's there is anyone's guess. And also, if anyone actually knows who he is, I will be impressed!

I'd say the origins for the 27 club shouldn't be taken seriously. The only recurring patterns is that some of the deaths involved drink and drugs, but they have been synonymous with blues, rock and metal music for a long time with differing effects for all concerned.
Here then is a list of the more famous members of the 27 club.
Jimi Hendrix:

My lord Hendrix was obviously a master of the guitar and a master of taking drugs. But it has been reported in the Seattle PI news that he was also interested in astrology. He apparently predicted his own death at 27, saying to an interviewer: "I'm not sure I'll live to 28 years old". Whether he said that is true or not is debatable.

But there has been a recorded story in the same news that in his last year, he and a close friend went to Africa and partook in a tarot card reading, and the 'Death' card was drawn. From that point, Hendrix upped the ante and started mixing pills and drinks, which led to his death from choking on his own vomit.

Now I'm not sure whether to believe this, especially after reading about his supposed mixing of drugs and drink already, and turning into a bastard and smashing up hotel rooms that makes my room look pristine I gather. Though to be fair, there are no smashed windows thanks to not throwing the TV out of the room. Not the best idea, because then it'd be cold. But I digress. Going back to the Tarot card, it made Hendrix very shivery for a time and probably influenced a decision to push himself to the limit. But I'm not entirely convinced by that story because it's the first time I've heard of it and it's not exactly mentioned on his Wikipedia page before. So I will remain sceptical of this unless more proof emerges. What won't remain sceptical is his awesomeness of guitaring.

Amy Winehouse:

Famously refusing to go into rehab saying nooo, nooo, nooo; Miss Winehouse's death came unexpectedly out of the blue in July 2011. It was shocking of course, but not surprising considering her topsy-turvy lifestyle with Blake-Fielder Civil, substance abuse and depression. According to Dean Piper of the Mirror he says that; "In the end, it was Amy who predicted her own death. In 2007, she told her mother: "I don't think I'm going to live very long". Tragically, she was right". That's a gap of 3/4years from prediction to actually dying.

According to her parents, it was the death of her grandmother that set her down the road. But this is from Wikipedia so it's not the best source of information. Still, she began gaining a reputation of drug and drinking antics. I had seen a video of one of her concerts where apparently she's taking a line of cocaine on stage using her hands. But it's really hard to tell from the footage, I wonder how she would've hidden it in her dress as well.

However, it was her addiction to alcohol that very, very slowly grinded her down. I remember watching her being slightly intoxicated on Never Mind the Buzzcocks when Simon Amstell was presenting and she being quite all over the place. Though it was kinda funny, it did obviously show a woman in dire peril. Eventually she died of alcohol poisoning, and I might be right in saying that she will be remembered for everything.

Kurt Cobain:

Cobain's death in April 1994 sent shockwaves throughout the music world. His band Nirvana had only exploded on the mainstream with their second album 'Nevermind' three years beforehand and the initial success of their signature song 'Smells like Teen Spirit' (I say signature song because it's possible to be their best known song throughout the world). It has been claimed that he had stomach pains since childhood which was never fully diagnosed and he used heroin to alleviate the suffering.

It would make some sense as to how he became addicted in the first place. In an interview he stated that "It started with three days in a row of doing heroin and I don't have a stomach pain. That was such a relief'. However it has also been knocking around that he regretted doing the drug, as apparently an unwritten letter to fans while in rehab and suggesting that it doesn't work.

Unfortunately, everything took their toll on the man and when in rehab, he climbed over a fence to escape, hitched a plane to Seattle and went to his Lake Washington home where he was found in his chair by an electrician. What's interesting to note is his mother, Wendy O'Conner, being quoted as saying "Now he's gone and joined that stupid club. I told him not to join that stupid club". So this was the starting point of how the 27 club came about, apparently referring to Hendrix, Joplin and Morrison since they had died at the same age. And at the same time, that club had claimed another musician.

Janis Joplin:

If the death of Jimi Hendrix was devastating, it was made worst 14 days later with the announcement that Janis Joplin herself had passed away. Like Hendrix, Joplin rose to prominence in the middle of the 1960s when she joined the band Big Brother and The Holding Company, husky voice and all. But their actual big break came at the Monterey Pop Festival, which included a rendition of the song 'Ball and Chain'. After leaving the band, she went on to form a backing band called the Kozmic Blues Band and went on to play at Woodstock and promoted as a headliner, though she didn't know it at the time. That must've been awkward, to not know you're going to be headlining for a festival you didn't know about.

When she moved to San Francisco in 1963, her drug intake increased as she started to become a 'speed freak' and a heroin user. Also she became a heavy drinker with Southern Comfort being her choice of tipple. I prefer the Jack Daniels myself. However this image did clash with a reassessment from her sister implored that in her private life, Joplin was intelligent and a shy woman devoted to her family. Added with the fact that she was shunned at school, she reportedly regretted going to her high school reunion in 1970.

In October of that same year, Joplin died from an overdose of drugs and alcohol at the Landmark Motor motel room, I think a few days after recording her well-known song, Mercedes Benz and a birthday greeting for John Lennon. Her posthumous album, Pearl was released three months later. Unlike the other three musicians I've talked about, there doesn't seem to be any talk of her death being predicated in anyway, but according to the New York Times reporting she has been quoted as saying, "Maybe I won't last as long as other singers, but I think you can destroy your now worrying about tomorrow". So on the contrary; I think she was saying to live life everyday instead of worrying what will happen the next until the day you die. It's a really good quote!

Brian Jones:

A founding member of the Rolling Stones, Brian Jones was an accomplished multi-instrumentalist, even using traditional and folk instruments in the music of the band at first. But very slowly, he became phrased out thanks to a combination of new management and the increasing use of the song- writing combination of Mick Jagger and Keith Richards. It wasn't the direction that Jones had wanted, since he wasn't a song-writer himself and hoped to some extent that the band would remain a blues cover band.

It's also possible that Jones slipped further into a different world after losing the love of his life, Anita Pallenburg to Keith Richards. His father claims it was the starting point where he became indulged with drugs and drink. He was arrested at one point when caught with procession of cocaine, marijuana and meth in his flat. Soon he became further estranged from his band members and on 8 June 1969 he was let go in a meeting with the other band members and replaced by Mick Taylor.

Only a month later, Jones was found drowned in his swimming which was confirmed as a 'death by misadventure' after a cocktail of drink of drugs. Although oddly, there have been claims by fan-sites that Jones was actually murdered by a builder while he was splashing about.  But I don't think it's true because apparently a deathbed confession was made by the builder, yet it was never published. The Rolling Stones had dedicated a concert to Brian a few days afterward, which was considered to be their worst at the time. Jones's death came at a time when the band was trying to move on, only to have their former member come back to bite back from the grave.

Jim Morrison:

Lead singer for the Doors and known as the Lizard King (why?), Jim Morrison was involved with a number of rock star antics, such as literally taking on the police and getting arrested for his trouble in different situations such as making out with a girl in the bathroom shower, and a drunken incident in a Miami converted airplane hangar. Yet the albums sold by the bucket load, and the band have become a big influence in the decades since.

However, like Amy Winehouse over 40 years later, Morrison was involved heavily with alcohol after The Doors became famous and also developed a heroin addiction and also had a thunderous relationship with his long-time girlfriend Pamela Courson, which involved lots of arguments and apparent womanizing on his part. He even got involved in a clash with Janis Joplin. That must have made the club pretty awkward to be in.

In 1971, Morrison flew out to Paris to be with Courson. On July 3rd, he was discovered dead in his bathtub, under mysterious circumstances. Sam Bennett claims he died in Bennett's nightclub toilet of a heroin overdose and was taken by two drug dealers back to his home and placed in the bathtub. Courson claims instead that the two of them had went to see a movie and that after they went to bed, Morrison complained of chest pains and went to run a bath. It was there she discovered him. What I find odd was that no autopsy was ever carried out on Morrison. But the details of his death remain sketchy and will probably be so for a longer time. He remains buried in Paris, one of the most prolific rock stars to grace the world. Though I'm sure Janis Joplin will say otherwise.

Robert Johnson:

The last person I will cover is almost as shadowy as his Wikipedia page and is of course, the man who allegedly met the devil at the crossroads. Robert Johnson was born on May 8th 1911 in Hazlehurst, Mississippi. In his short life as I already mentioned, he wrote up 29 songs that included now considered classics such as, "Crossroads", "Sweet Home Chicago" and "Love in Vain".

Now is it possible to separate fact from the fantasy of his life? Probably, but it take a hell of a lot more than just a few paragraphs and a fuckload of research. According to Wikipedia, he was married at the age of 18 to Virginia Travis, who died from childbirth a short time later. Throwing himself into music, apparently he was horribly bad at the guitar, as blues musician Son House says. When Johnson left Robinsonville to Martinsville, it was here that he managed to create his technique and here arose the 'pact with the devil' legend.

Johnson travelled through various places in the south of America and would play on street corners, African-American juke joints (basically a pub for black people), and Saturday night dances. He had a chance to record some of his own songs in 1936, continuing to do so well up to his death at 27 in 1938. How he died obviously remains unconfirmed, since there are many theories from different people. There's the strychnine poison story which I've mentioned above, but there is a theory that his mother came around and he passed her his guitar, claiming it to be" the devil's instrument". As she hung it on the wall, he passed away.

It is also noted that his burial place is difficult to locate too. One place could be in the Mt. Zion Missionary Baptist church. Another could be the Payne Chapel near Quito after one of his ex-girlfriends suggest he could be there. A third place researched by Stephen LaVere apparently shows him to be buried under a pecan tree in the Little Zion cemetary, north of Greenwood along the Money Road. But whatever his resting place, it's very much as mythical as the man himself.

The 27 club is a perplexing one at best. There are so many mysterious to be solved with all sorts of members, like a Manic Street Preachers member who had disappeared off the face of the earth and only declared dead 13 years later. Magicians are rubbish sometimes.

If there was a curse, wouldn't all the members suffer the same or a similar fate? Robert Johnson, as far as we know, wasn't an alcoholic or drug addict, than died possibly due to flirting with another man's wife. Yet all the others I mentioned on the list had used those substances to cope with all sorts of problems in their life. The only real proof is they all died at the same age, so really I still think it's a coincidence that they all died at the same age, whatever condition they were in. Another point is some of them had predicted their own deaths, though again that was because of the circumstances they were in.

So finally, I believe it's all pure coincidence that the club came into existed. It's obviously very sad that they died at a very young age, but I don't fully think there is an actual curse. Maybe people were more clever in the 1960s if they didn't bother making a connection because drugs and drinking were all the rage back then. They would've thought the same thing, that there was nothing going on with pacts. Just that they were all the same age.

It might say something about their coping strategies, how drink and drugs can take you away into a world away from reality. They become escapism and allow to take the pressure away where you can be free in your own mind, but sometimes at a cost of alienation and bringing more attention to yourself, and eventually could lead to death.

But have they become more famous because of their short lives or their music? Granted I like Jimi Hendrix's music because I love his guitar playing. I'm sure doubtless if he were alive today, he'd still be playing to millions of people. Though would the music have changed? It's a difficult question to answer. But it might have been possible. Take Eric Clapton for example. He started off as a rock musician, and now plays more blues in his later life. Music styles can change throughout the years, but for those the 27 club, it will not. We have their music to cherish forever.

Maybe then, that's what the 27 club is: Half unlucky escapism, half remembrance for the music you achieved in your lifetime. It's something that will inevitably continue but we will remember them regardless of club or no club.
That's it for this week's article. Next fortnight will focus on GAME OF THRONES. Til 2 weeks mofos!

Sunday, 3 March 2013


Welcome once more, to the Randomizer!

Today we will be looking at the recent 2013 edition of the Oscars, not the possible lynching of Oscar Pistorius. I know it says OSCAR SEASON in the title, but still we can at least try to be human beings and not pretend to be Elmur Fudd. Hehehehehehehe. (If your mind went into his voice for laugh, give yourself a point)

Moving on swiftly (and fast before people come after me), we know what the Oscars are about. A celebration of the great and good of film-making all on a February night, the handing out of awards for those considered to be the best films of that year, and of course, the ability in screwing Ang Lee out of a best picture award again (the new Martin Scorsese for this generation).

This year had some lovely segments inserted in and some pretty funny gags from presenter Seth McFarlane. And I was absolutely taken back by some of the jokes. But there were a few segments I thought were quite off putting and such.

 With the awards themselves, there were definately some predictable results which were probably well-deserved because I haven't seen the films, but from the clips shown I thought were mightily impressive, especially from Anne Hathaway and Jennifer Lawrence. And there was even a TIE for one award! Apparently it's only happened five times beforehand!

So let's not waste anymore time. We shall cover the actual awards first, before looking at the presenting and segments. If you haven't seen or heard the results first, go spoil it for yourself first so you won't be disappointed with me :-). Also please bear in mind I have NOT seen every film on the list so I apologise for any mishaps I make or come across perchance.

This was the first predictable role, however quite deserved. Waltz played the bounty hunter really well, and is a pretty good negotiator when it comes to killing those people he has been assigned to despatch. The way he delivered his lines were perfect, the gold tongued devil (see what I did there, replaced the word silver with gold ;) sorry, I couldn't resist), as well as the actions he carried out, killing the slave trader brothers with quick succession.

It's really hard to imagine any other actor who can play this role as well as Waltz and deliver a better performance. But since Quentin Tarantino actually wrote the role with him in mind, it's not hard to see why.  I think it might be a good career move for him to stick with Tarantino films, because from gaining TWO academy awards, it's clear these films bring out the best of his acting abilities.
I must admit though I did like his horse. I'd like a horse who'd politely bow after being introduced. Or maybe a cat. Least that would be cheap.

Now I've only seen this last week when it was tagged onto Wreck-it-Ralph. And it was good, nice time to spend about 2 minutes of my life.

The story is about a man whose bit of paper in his folder flies and hits a woman in the face, leaving lipstick on it. The man, who's attracted to her, goes to work and discovers her in a building opposite him. Trying to get her attention, he uses a stack of paper been given to send her paper aeroplanes. But that fails dismally and she leaves. He tries to catch up with her but to no avail and he angrily throws his last paper, the one with the lipstick on. However, the paper meets with all the others and come alive, the lipstick covered one going after the woman, while the rest pin the man down. Eventually the two are reunited and have coffee together.
There are some really good animated pieces in this little flick, and the story is quite simple to follow with a good ending. But I didn't feel as if it was anything spectacular, possibly because of the simplicity and the realism it projected. Still I wouldn't mind watching it over again, to at least give me something to watch.

No brainer really, it's Disney they usually win everything when it comes to animated awards. I did already talk about this film a lot when I was doing the Top 10 films I've seen in 2012 so I don't have really a lot to say on the matter.

Though I do admit, there were definitely a few films I liked in this category, this one included. The other two were Band of Pirates and Wreck-it Ralph. Band of Pirates was never going to win, even though its stop-motion animation is something we hardly see nowadays, and with near everything being computer made it's a sad slight to see. Wreck-it Ralph was good too, but I never got a sense of enjoyment that I did with Brave.

I did feel some time ago that with some animated films like the adaptation of Marjane Satrapi's graphic novel 'Persepolis', they should deserve some recognition because the narrative was more mature then say Disney animated flicks. But I had also come to thinking that computer generated stuff is more harder to work on because your having to create a 3D world, as opposed to a 2D world. So I wouldn't judge this too harshly, but it would be nice to see a 2D animated film win the prestigious award at some point. But it's very unlikely to happen, because of the technical aspects brought with computer animation.

Watching the trailer for how everything is lit up, Miranda really knew how to create a vibrate colourful world. The scenes during the day use a mixtures of oranges, reds and maybe a hint of brown, make it look like the real world. But with the scenes at night, using blues and greens when Pi is out at sea and presumably on the island, these palettes of colours mix beautifully well seemingly throughout the movie and make it look like Pi has entered into a fantasy world. It's quite clever that it managed to provoke a reaction of such......I can't think of a good word for it!

This article will posted up before I get a chance to see the bloody film all the way through to dutifully lust longfully at the imagery with my drooling mouth open like that bald yellow guy.....Marge I think his name was.  (I especially like when the thunder strikes in the trailer. Looks magnificent!). I look forward to seeing this movie when I have my chance! And gawp at all the beautiful images.

Definately not a surprise. From watching the trailers, Life of Pi does boast a very detailed and fantastic piece of computer generated art, and probably used the 3D to great expense.

I never got to see this film in cinema (yet), because at first I wasn't that interested in it. But I would take a look now since it's won some awards. Jumping on the band wagon I know, but what can you do?


I must admit though it was odd to see that the tiger has an actual name: Richard Parker. Why? Least it would be an excuse to see what happens in this film.


Costume in time-period films are always going to be a bastard to pull off. So making costumes being set in the 19th century is not an easy task. But from looking at some of the pictures, Durran did pull it off really well. The costumes seen look to die for and reflects the character's class status, even though some of the colours can be quite dulling. They just stand out amongst the crowd, which is what a costume should do really: to make a character recognisable and reflect their world in the film.

However I wasn't that interested in seeing Anna Karenina, and still don't. Yes, the costumes are nice but they really don't get me interested in seeing this film, just how beautiful they are.  There seemed to be more interesting films to keep an eye-out for as the article continues. So sorry Anna Karenina, you just didn't do it for me. I'm not into Russians to be honest.

Watching a video about crafting the make-up to Les Mis, it shows how hard these two artist tried to make people look so decrepid and suffering in a stylised world. Westcott describes how Jean Valjean as a convict is treated with a scar on his head and a long straggling beard and essentially at the bottom of the barrel. There was also talk about teeth which sounds weird, but does make sense because it matches the appearance of that decrepitude of the world. If Hugh Jackson just had his normal teeth, it wouldn't have matched.

Make-up on Anne Hathaway also brings about how the character has changed as well from working in a factory to just being in the gutter and having to become a prostitute, even painting her tooth blood red, and having to become part of a brutal world.
Maybe that's why they won the award, on the basis of teeth. Sounds like a good day for dentistry doesn't it? A very well deserved award once more for Les Mis.

'At the lowest point of his life, Richie gets a call from his estranged sister, asking him to look after his nine-year old niece, Sophia, for a few hours'

The tagline doesn't reveal much as opposed to some others. But this little film does have some interesting moments from its plot about a budding relationship between the two characters and how the film has been shot to these those moments in creating a chemistry. Also the trailer shows some really good camera shots and good choreography.

Again, I won't try to spoil anything, but the over-riding theme of the film is 'idols'. Like who was that person you looked up to (or still look up to) and how that affects your life. So you might be able to understand the plot from that one word, though it might be better watching the film itself instead so you get the full picture. It looks a good film and probably worth a viewing, with some great use of cameras, interesting characterisation and even a dance number apparently. Maybe I should have done that for my short film. Random mosh-pit at the end of the film since I used a Metallica song. Oh well.
'Curfew' definitely works as a short film by the look of it, so is worth the 20 minutes of anyone's time.

'Inocente' is the journey of a 15 year old homeless girl who finds solace in painting a vibrant colourful world onto paper while hiding her present situation from her classmates in case they will laugh her off.

Watching the trailer for this film, you see how Inocente creates her art, even using paint at the start of the day on her face and how she slowly begins to make her own art show. But there is a darker side in her personal life as family problems reveal domestic issues, an attempted suicide and shuffling through homeless shelters.
I became facisinated by what is shown in the trailer and would definitely want to give this film a try, because it looks so heartfelt and deep that I couldn't exactly take my eyes away from the story of her life. I want to understand why her life has become the way it has and how she deals with the issues at hand.

'Inocente' looks a fantastic film about this girl's life and is worth a viewing into a world we have never crossed before.

'Searching for Sugar Man' is another journey about finding the truth behind the myth. And it's an odd myth to say the least. 'Sugar Man' or Sixto Rodriguez is not really known around the world, but is immensely popular in South Africa, where it was rumoured since the 70s that he had commited suicide because there was so little known information about him. Well, Wikipedia had existed since 2004 so someone must've posted something about him between that time and the documentary.

But I digress.

The film shows the discovery that Rodriquez did not in fact commit suicide and how hard he has lived life. His albums had hardly sold at all in America and having a job as a construction worker in order to at least have some income. But with the onset of the Academy Awards, his audience has increased and is subsequently now touring with his band 'We're not Dead', alongside Paul McCartney, Jeff Goldblum on drums and random members of incident.

The documentary looks quite interesting to look at, considering how Rodriguez had influenced the South African population at the time of apartheid and comparing that to his life now. I would give it a go and see how this man has fast-becoming at least a recognisable figure in few parts of the world now.


Now I'm half and half on this film after recently watching the trailer as I write this.
After reading up the story online, I thought I would give this movie a go. And from a few clips, it's definitely has some shocking moments, especially when the main woman is slapped by her husband when refusing to gulp down water. Now there is a reason for this, but I won't spoil it for anyone.
From one of the trailers, I wasn't sure what to make of it. It seemed distorted and only a few points were made clear in trailer that the main couple are very much in love. Though I have read comments on the Youtube page that the trailer does not do the film justice and that it's better off actually watching the film.
But the plot did shock and bring me into the story so I'd watch this film given the opportunity.

This comes not much as a surprise too. But to be fair, the sound mixers had their work cut out, having to match the actor's voices with the crescendo of the musical score. Now that cannot an easy task, especially with the actors singing live on set, rather than singing in a studio.

So what are the advantages of this? Well firstly, it could give you more time to prepare for meeting with other actors and allows for more emotion to show through the acting, instead of having to mime alongside the playback while you're actually shooting the film in the first place. Second, the music team used a piano to help with the tempo of the music so you could capture the right sound from the actors and replaced that with orchestra pieces.

Disadvantages would be: a bad stroke of luck if one of the actors loses their voice during production. Luckily for Tom Hooper, this didn't happen. However, the other problem is if one of the actors can't sing, and falls onto Russell Crowe for not having a good voice. I thought he wasn't bad during his bit at the ceremony, so I'd have to disagree moderately.

In the end, I think all the actors could sing well and helped to bag a small award for such a ground-breaking production. It might actually try to tell us those who can sing and those who can't (maybe in future High School Musical productions. Then we can see whose shit and who isn't).

Yep, there was a tie. Between the ever-running James Bond Franchise and the compromising of Osama Bin Laden. But the tie here isn't so important.

What is important is how sound editing helps in the process of making a film sound believable, the collection of pieces of gunshots, phones ringing, and flipping through of books that come together into the editing process.

Talking to Entertainment Weekly about ZERO DARK THIRTY, Ottosson wanted to keep it authentic and allow for these little pieces to build up the tension in the film. Because Zero Dark Thirty isn't the conventional action film, it uses the realism to maintain a sense of tension within its world. He also revealed that he was in the army, which in a film like this, is key to heightening the sense of realism in the world of modern day military spying and planning.

With SKYFALL, you get the usual explosions and gunfights that are relevant to a James Bond film, but with the added expansion of a train ripping into two pieces and a London Underground train crashing off-track into an open chamber, and missing Bond in the process. The collection of these sounds are quite spectacular (shame about the Aston Martin though.....) and help make a bigger impact on the audience through possible exaggeration of the force of these sounds.

Sound Editing is one of those things that could have such a big responsibility to the film overall and ZERO DARK THIRTY probably shows that a bit more than SKYFALL, but still SKYFALL was a epic galore of sound making and deserved an award for it as much as ZERO DARK THIRTY did. So I can kind of see how difficult it was to choose between the two. Well done to both.

OH MY GOD, I DEFINATELY DIDN'T SEE THIS COMING!!! THIS WAS AWESOME! THIS WAS----(ahem) sorry, I let my sarcastic nature get the better of me.

Obviously this was one of the biggest predictors and came through as we all expected. Though hearing the song, Hathaway could have won it on that basis (seriously she is pretty good singing I Dreamed a Dream). Going by the song, she probably gave her all in the performance of playing Fantine and really deserved winning that Oscar.

I was conflicted whether to see this film or not. Wasn't that interested, then quite interested. In the end I couldn't really get into convincing myself to go watch it. And I'm thinking as I write this: I probably should've done. Not because of the song (or the crying though I've heard rumours where people had pretty much fallen in tears from this movie. Damn you Tom Hooper.), but just a gut feeling. I missed out on a different experience altogether. And I only have myself to blame.

I dreamed a dream of time gone by, when I should've seen Les Miserable in the cinema........shit.

If a film can make you feel a rush of emotions that feel RIGHT, then the editing must be near or spot on the money. And there were definite moments in Argo where I felt the pacing was just right. I'm starting to like movies that make good use of their running time, like with The Hobbit and The Hunger Games where everything didn't feel too extreme in slow like a snail, but neither too fast like a cheetah. And Argo falls into that category too. Even with the events happening on-screen, I felt everything was happening at the right and appropriate speed that the events SHOULD be going at.

From the beginning of the escape from the embassy, to Mendez coming back from Iran, the film flowed perfectly in the narrative side of things. The comedy relief was good, the threatening scenes were tense and the final scene was incredible. Everything in this film brought the right emotions out of me, and that's what a film should do: make you feel the right emotion at the right time. And if you don't feel right, then obviously the film hasn't done its job. Or maybe it's just you.

Goldberg did a fantastic job on this film, personally making me feel the rise in tension at the right moments and laugh at the good jokes, and make the film feel just right. Personally, I would tell anyone to watch this film. Including you. Yes, you. Go watch it. Now!
Like costume design, designing the sets and finding the accurate props needed for 19th century America is also a total bastard. The finding and creating of bringing back to life the dark days of the American Civil War, and how to make the picture look in some sense realistic, yet darkened world.

Well, these two guys must have achieved a great feat in showing us a realistic picture of history, enough to win this award. Carter said of the interior design of the White House that "it was an extremely personal space and often a psychological space". So what this means is the White House was Lincoln's own playground to let his mind wander and plot his plans into motion, into bringing around the 13 amendment: to abolish slavery. Jim Erickson apparently knew when to keep his mouth shut when he was talking to Abraham Lincoln about his research , and Lincoln said: "Jim, I'm the President". Would you have done the same?

I must admit that the sets and production do look pretty good, impressive and feel ok, but that's all the reaction I can get out. Just ok. But maybe that's what the film is trying to do, to not make everything ok. There are obviously battlefields, strung with craters and what-have-you. All in all, these two men did a good job on Lincoln and focused on the more emotional side rather than the technical side.

Music in film can help nail down the emotion of a scene, or completely distract you from everything. So far, listening to the song 'Pi's Lullaby', you can tell that the music is something out of this world and feels like Oscar material.

Danna has created something almost child-like with this song and it flows quietly, yet brings you into a different environment altogether. I'm curious to know what the other songs will be like to listen to, and I have good hopes that the rest of the soundtrack will be something other-worldly. Though I shouldn't expect too much, then I'd have a greater sense of being let down.

Then I listened to some of the other tracks like, 'Christ on the Mountains', 'Richard Parker' and 'The Deepest Spot on Earth'. I liked 'Christ on the Mountains' with its pop-like beat and nice flute accompaniment. 'Richard Parker' felt quite haunting and long with a quick crescendo to quickly wrap the song up. 'The Deepest Spot on Earth' sounds epic, but I hope it's better in the film. It doesn't sound as good on Youtube then you think.

So far, the soundtrack sounds like it has ups and downs. Some songs work beautifully, while others feel like they miss the mark. However, I am listening to it without the film in general so I shouldn't judge harshly. If the songs work on screen, I will be happy as a bumblebee with a pot full of honey. Admittedly, I'm not sure this score deserved the Oscar so much but I'll just have to wait and see until I get my hands on a ticket to watch Life of Pi.

This ISN'T one of my favourite Bond songs. I'm throwing it out there. I just feel as if it doesn't really bring anything as a whole. Maybe it's because I am not a massive fan of Adele in general, and her songs are quite annoyingly catchy. But I wouldn't say it's a bad song, there are some bits I like about it, like the opening piano bit and the chorus. And also this song was better than some of the entrants on the list (Everybody needs a Best Friend was quite good, but I don't think Oscar material). And I have to admit, it is difficult thinking about someone else who could've pulled that song off with the gusto that Adele has.

I am generally happy that a James Bond film had won an Academy Award, even if it's for a song. It's probably one of those things that will never be seen again at least for a few decades at least.  Also seeing the performance live was a lot better rather than hearing it in studio form. Maybe I should try to steal a live version or something. Still, it is a great achievement to get and Adele has a very prestigious award to show for her efforts. So kudos to you Adele.

One thing I like about a movie is when it reveals to your surprise to have some very good jokes and some nice written in moments where no words don't really need to be spoken. Terrio did that very well for 'Argo'.
I wasn't even expecting Argo to be as good as it could be, but the writing for this film was really, really funny. And I'm still remembering that great one-liner 'Argo fuck yourself' :D. Best. Line. Ever :P. Perhaps then the key to a good film is that it doesn't look as if it's trying to force funny moments onto us, but allows us to diffuse the tension of the story using those little moments, especially in a situation such as Iran. I won't list the scenes that will be tense, but when you see this film you might get a feeling of happiness, at least for a few minutes while your brain has a chance to relax.


Another nice scene was at the end, where the main character Tony Mendez shakes the hand of one of the hostages and not one word of dialogue is made between them. In some cases with scenes like that, dialogue is really not needed. Film can sometimes about more expression in the face and seeing the emotions on screen, where if any words were spoken it could in fact ruin that moment totally. We know that dialogue has obviously been a mainstream in film since the later 1920s, but we can still sometimes see the character's on-screen expression reveal everything, even if they aren't talking. If those two characters had said anything, it would've felt different, and wouldn't have been right to say anything in the first place.


ARGO is a clever, brilliant written film and deserved this Oscar in so many ways.


Like 'Argo', DJANGO UNCHAINED is clever and funny. But of course in Tarantino's hands, it was gold.
The little moments again do come in great, like the bag scene. If you haven't seen it yet, take some time out to do so because it is funny as! Personally, I liked it when Dr. Schultz said Auf Wiedersehen and carried on with his business.

All the characters were written well. Not just Django and Dr. Schultz, but Calvin Candie and his manservant Stephen as well.

The pairing of Django and Dr. Schultz is good,as Schultz becomes a mentor figure to Django and teaches him how to use guns and to kill people as well as giving him the first opportunity to free his wife from slavery. They develop a kind of chemistry with each other and Django even gives Schultz some advice as well when he's antagonising Candie.

 But the main villains are just as good. With Candie, you can see how the character can be so brutal and yet show it so little in a subtle kind of way. He allows Django to enter into his circle, but you can see he clearly has misapprehension for him and then comes out as a kind of psychopath when he threatens Broomhilda. Now I didn't like Candie, But I HATED Stephen. Hated him with a passion because he was a treacherous low-life betraying bastard, and brilliantly played by Samuel L. Jackson! Though that's more acting side than the writing.

Now I probably should come onto the multiple use of the word, nigger. It was used a few times for some really funny jokes, like: 'that nigger's on a horse!'. Yes, well done you, specific character. Have a medal. But it is also used for some of the more vicious moments (like Candie's eurphoria at one-upping the two), and it is for uncomfortable viewing. But I guess the overall use of the word was because the focus was on a black person and his struggle to save his wife against white slavers, and using it will probably make anyone squirm in their seats.

But the screenplay is still awesome in that it gives a new perspective on the revenge story and tackling such a grave subject in America's past (Spike Lee should say nothing until he's seen the film.) An award again, well deserved for one of film's prolific makers, Mr Tarantino.

This was probably a two-legged race between Lincoln and Life of Pi, with the latter winning through. And probably rightfully so.

Life of Pi does seem the more visually impressive (being done in 3D), better acted, and the more personal journey that the main character goes through (and there's a tiger. Maybe Lincoln would have been better if there was a tiger? Just one random tiger appearing at Lincoln's side? No? Ok....................sad face). Anyway, it just looked better and felt really good.

As I've talked about in the cinematography section, the film looks stunning with its colourful imagery. Acting-wise, it looks very-well done with Suraj Sharma being pretty good as Pi. And I did really believe that that was a tiger despite it being CGI! Though I do hope there's a good explanation why the tiger's called Richard Parker. I have one idea but I'm not going to spoil it for anyone.

I have read that the film was apparently unfilmable, with M. Night Shyamalan and Alfonso Cuaron had rejected directing the film. Well, they said the same thing about Lord of the Rings.......and anyway, M. Night Shyamalan hasn't had a good run with films for the past few years has he? With the emotional depth needed to carry such a large scale film, Ang Lee was probably the right choice to make LIFE OF PI, because Pi has quite the journey to go through, as John Hiscock put it in his article for the Telegraph newspaper: Literal and spiritual journey.

Oh look, Jennifer Lawerence tripped up on the stairs. Yay. Moving on!

It probably should never be denied that Jennifer Lawrence is becoming THE female talent in Hollywood today. I have seen her perform in 'X-Men: First Class' and 'The Hunger Games' and she is good at the roles she plays.

As I again saw a clip to her performance in 'Silver Linings Playbook', I was simply gobsmacked by her ferocity at projecting the anger at Bradley Cooper's character and probably wouldn't want to approach her when she's in psycho mode (especially if she's holding a bow and arrow, then I'd be super-fucked). And I did think about seeing this film, but I never got around to it. God, what a life I lead!  However I have read a little about the character she played so I think it added more to the intensity of the scene I saw.

Still, getting an award on your second nomination is a definite plus and says something about your future career. I'd even go as far as saying Jennifer Lawrence could be the next Meryl Streep if she continues in her choices of roles, which suffice to say, are very good choices. Soon as Silver Linings Playbook comes out on DVD, I'm definite willing to give this film a go and see how everything pans out, not just with Lawrence's character but everyone else's too, because judging by the clips I've seen there is plenty to get sucked into! After all, what are crazy sluts with dead husbands for?

(If you like to answer this question, use the comment box below)

You know, at the tender age of 202, Lincoln doesn't look half bad for playing himself considering he took over from Liam Neeson. His beard seemed well-trimed.

As we all know, his performance was greatly praised. Well he was playing himself so be fair, he'd know his own stuff like the back of his hand. And with his third Oscar win, he became the first three-time recipient for the Best Actor award in the history of the Academy Awards (his other two being in 'My Left Foot' and 'There Will Be Blood').  Still it was quite predictable that he would capture another award. But in all fairness, this is Abraham Lincoln we're talking about. His dedication to playing roles is well documentated. He even played Daniel Day-Lewis at the Oscar ceremony. Could've won an award for that even!

However I can't really comment on the actual performance itself sadly. So I'll have to wait until it's on DVD or make a last ditch attempt to see it in cinema at least (though I have been told on good authority by the mother that it made one of her friends fall asleep. So maybe it will be a good opportunity to have a quick nap. At least when Lincoln's not on screen).


I was so hoping for this film to win the Academy Award, and I was happy I even shouted 'YES!' when Madam President announced the winner (probably because it was the only film I actually saw out of all the others).

As I said before, I had good fun watching this film and enjoyed the funny moments, so there isn't much to talk about. Although I do think in a way, 'Argo' is a redemption for Ben Affleck. He has come a long way through despised and poorly received films like Gigli and Pearl Habour, only to slowly build himself up again over the years and come back smiling with a Best Picture award (into Seth McFarlane's face) and reinventing himself from an actor into possibly a great director, and turning himself into a family man with wife Jennifer Garner.

I suppose the only thing I regret is not putting this film into my Top Ten list at the start of The Randomizer. It was such a hard choice between this film and Brave, that in the world I thought Brave was the better film. But that was my gut feeling at the time. Now I think I should've put it in somewhere, but what's done is done.
Argo is a fantastic film and quite worthy of the Academy Award for Best Picture 2013. Though Life of Pi could come to strike more of a cord with me when it's started the ball rolling, I still remember the rush and funny moments that Argo brings with it. So for the moment, Argo comes out on top and deservedly so.


I love Seth Macfarlane. I laughed out loud completely at his risqué humour while watching and liked some of the comedy routines he did. Comes with being a Family Guy fan for donkey years (thanks brother Nick :) ).
And of course, controversy followed. Seems people don't have the same sense of humour and have criticised his tenure because of such jokes as "Django Unchained is the story of a man fighting to get back his woman subjected to unthinkable violence. Or as Rihanna and Chris Brown call it, A date movie" and probably more famously, 'The Boob Song', a listing of the female actors who brought them out in selected films. After the Oscars, Macfarlane announced he would not present another in the future.
I don't think Macfarlane was horrible as host for the Oscars. I enjoyed his wise-cracks at the actors and at himself, though why William Shatner made an appearance is bizarre to me. Would it have made more sense to have Billy Crystal or something?. But I do think that some of the jokes were hit and miss. Especially those that made me go: oooh, that was awful. For example, the Lincoln joke was so dark, I think I just laughed and cringed at the same time. Also, what was up with that Sally Field sketch. Again, kind of a miss.
But his humour is very risque that it will only appeal to certain adult people (like me) and not to a wide-range audience that might include children or otherwise the easily offended. So as much as I liked the comedy, I can understand why he won't be back so soon. But I enjoyed it while it lasted and that's the main thing.


......was shit. James Bond got a tribute video and Shirley Bassey singing. I was completely let down by this segment, thinking at the time I could've come up with something so much better. Fifty Years of the longest running film franchise in history, and THAT was what the Oscars came up with?

The tribute video was a selection of clips from all the Bond films. Nothing remotely interesting to say really.
And much as Shirley Bassey is the main Bond singer, I didn't like her singing the Goldfinger theme song because she sounded so croaky. I'm sorry, but Adele could've sung that better I reckon, and she was the best Bond tribute of the night with her rendition of 'Skyfall'.

If I was to do a tribute of fifty years, I would have possibly brought ALL the James Bonds on stage and let them talk for a few seconds of their experience as 007. Then I could have asked Adele and Bassey to do duets with each other, bringing old and new generations together. And I would've asked Barbara Broccoli to come onto stage and allow her a few minutes to talk about a monumentous event of continuation since 1962.
But such things exist in fantasy. Fucking Oscars.......


As with any year, the film industry loses esteemed members and recognisable figures that we hold close to our hearts. I shall be taking a look at three figures I remembered from time's past:

Michael Clarke Duncan:
I remember seeing this man in a multitude of roles, first being in Cats and Dogs as Sam the dog, and then I recognised him more in Sin City as the giant manservant Manute. His voice is so recognisable for its deep baritone level, you could probably orgasm on cue at any word he said and then you'd have to go and clean yourself up. His win for his only Academy Award actually came early in his career with his performance in the role of John Coffey in 'The Green Mile', and he kept up being suitable for dramatic and comedic roles alike. The last film role I saw in him in was, of all things, Green fucking Lantern as Killowag.
It would have been good to see his career continue, whatever his choices. Sadly, it's not to be.

Tony Scott:

Ridley Scott's younger brother and well-known director in his own right, famous for films such as Top Gun,  Beverly Hills Cop II and most recently, Unstoppable. Honestly, I have never seen any of his films, mainly because I wasn't so interested in them apart from Unstoppable, but I never saw that in the cinema. Interestingly enough, I have seen him act when he was younger on his brother's short film, Boy and Bicycle as he travelled through West Hartlepool and Seaton Carew.

 The circumstances around his suicide in August last year will always remain a mystery at best since there hasn't been a clear-cut reason as to why Scott would suddenly take his own life. A sad loss to the film industry.

Ernst Borgnine:

I'd be lying if I said I knew a lot about his career. The only thing I knew him for was having a guest role in an early episode of 'The Simpsons'.

Like Clarke Ducan, Borgnine received his only Academy Award for his role in the film 'Marty' early in his career, and went to have a glittering career in both film and television, playing a significant role in 'Spongebob Squarepants' as Mermaid Man. One of Hollywood's finest actors, he will be missed.
Final Notes:

Overall, the Oscars were quite predictable in a lot of areas with every expected victor coming out on top. Seth Macfarlane is unlikely to come back as a host in any regard, and there should have been a better tribute to Bond.

But it wasn't all a bad night. There were good points like Adele singing and Argo coming out on top to win the Best Film award. I had good fun watching and will definitely watch next year's show with interest. I apologise for the lack of substantial humour in this article. Normal service should be resumed in the next when my next blog comes up.

Randomizer out.